all postcodes in CT6 / HERNE BAY

find any address or company within the CT6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CT / Canterbury

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CT6 7AA 1 0 51.356403 1.168082
CT6 7AB 21 0 51.357572 1.158106
CT6 7AD 5 0 51.355674 1.158335
CT6 7AE 20 0 51.351665 1.134932
CT6 7AF 8 1 51.35699 1.157032
CT6 7AG 3 1 51.358525 1.155471
CT6 7AH 1 1 51.350095 1.138991
CT6 7AJ 10 0 51.35676 1.15489
CT6 7AL 31 1 51.351208 1.135562
CT6 7AN 10 1 51.350636 1.133742
CT6 7AP 10 0 51.350398 1.13509
CT6 7AQ 3 0 51.356745 1.137707
CT6 7AR 44 0 51.352636 1.137627
CT6 7AS 19 0 51.352903 1.139772
CT6 7AT 28 0 51.35079 1.137056
CT6 7AU 41 0 51.351096 1.13837
CT6 7AW 6 0 51.351164 1.133835
CT6 7AX 44 0 51.35743 1.155726
CT6 7AY 19 0 51.353801 1.140006
CT6 7AZ 4 0 51.352262 1.14352